December 8 marks a year that John Lennon was shot to death on the streets of New York, and I think it is appropriate that he be remembered for the singer, musician, poet, father and husband, and man of peace that he was. We, as a society, should also keep in mind the way John Lennon died. On the night of John Lennon's murder, I paced the floor unti...
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Many years ago, my best friend Howard and I rented an apartment in Martha's Vineyard.  When we got there and entered the place, it was empty of all furniture.  Apparently there was a murder involved and we might have been homeless for the week.  The realtor offered us a lovely home on the bay as compensation for our inconvenience.  I sat on the porch of this beautiful house and listened to my favorite song over and over:  Van Morrison and the Chieftains singing, "Oh, Shenandoah.   Howard died twenty-five years ago.  Every time I hear this song, tears form in my eyes.  There is something about it ...


I must admit that I never particularly liked Ricky Gervais' brand of humor, but I do love his British comic/tragedy After Life on Netflix.  Great characters, great dog.  I think I'll leave videos for my family giving them advice after I'm dead, as his late wife does in the show.  I'm sure they will appreciate it.